Agriculture Victoria signs up as State Partner for Hort Connections 2019
AUSVEG is extremely proud to announce that Agriculture Victoria has signed on as the State Partner for Hort Connections 2019.
As we tie a bow on Hort Connections 2018, we’re already moving forward to make sure next year’s event is even bigger and even better, and having the support of Agriculture Victoria lays the foundation for our Melbourne conference to offer huge value to all growers and industry members.
Agriculture Victoria has been created to give greater visibility to the agriculture activities of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR), giving a clear identity to agricultural services and initiatives with the department.
DEDJTR aims to create the conditions to sustainably develop the Victorian economy and grow employment, including in the food and fibre sector, which the Victorian government has identified as vital to the state’s future economic prosperity.
As part of this partnership, Agriculture Victoria will be the exclusive sponsor of the Welcome Reception on Monday 24 June and will officially open the conference.
Representatives from Agriculture Victoria will also be on the floor of the Trade Show to talk about how the Victorian government is helping to secure the future of our industry through initiatives like the Horticulture Innovation Fund.
Victoria has a booming horticulture sector, including a combined value of production of over $2 billion for vegetables, fruits, and nuts, and some of the country’s biggest and most innovative growing operations call Victoria home.
AUSVEG and PMA Australia-New Zealand look forward to working with Agriculture Victoria to ensure Hort Connections 2019 celebrates the best of our sector and fosters the business and networking connections that can help the Victorian and Australian horticulture industries grow into the future.
Hort Connections 2019 will be held from 24-26 June 2019 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 3 July 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!