The APVMA has completed its assessment of metabolism and residues data submitted under Section 161 of the AgVet Code for the reconsideration of the residue definitions and MRLs for thiamethoxam and clothianidin.

No changes to currently approved use patterns were considered. A summary of the assessment, recommendations and trade risk to citrus and cereals (major export commodities) can be found here.

New MRLs are recommended for clothianidin in cereal grain (*0.02 mg/kg), Brassica vegetables (0.5 mg/kg) and Leafy vegetables (0.7 mg/kg) to account for approved uses of thianmethoxam. For other commodities approved for thiamethoxam, current clothianidin MRLs remain appropriate. The APVMA assessment did consider the 2010 JMPR evaluation of thiamethoxam, which concluded that ‘Clothianidin residues may arise from the use of clothianidin or from the use of thiamethoxam’.

The full results of the evaluation can be found here.

This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 27 November 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!