Biosecurity workshop helps Atherton growers identify problem pests
On Thursday 13 June 2019, AUSVEG staff hosted a Biosecurity Workshop and Farm Walk in conjunction with the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF). There were approximately 30 researchers, Department staff, potato and vegetable growers, and other industry members in attendance.
The workshop informed stakeholders of the work being undertaken on two of the Department of Agriculture’s high priority pests, tomato potato psyllid and leafminers (vegetable leafminer and serpentine leafminer). The workshop also provided stakeholders with important information about the risk posed by these key pests on industry.
The presentations throughout the day stimulated strong discussion between stakeholders in the room on these priority pests and the key risk points for industry.
After the workshop component, attendees took off to a nearby potato farm to put knowledge into practice. Each stakeholder thoroughly cleaned their boots and hands at the ‘biosecurity station’ set up by QDAF, then walked through the crop to practice looking for signs of pests in the field. This was followed by an in-field discussion on farm biosecurity, potential pest pathways, and how to report suspect pests, which was received well by attendees.
AUSVEG and QDAF would like to thank attendees and those involved in organising the day.