New edition of Vegetables Australia out now!
The May/June 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia magazine is now available online, and offers some great insights into the Australian vegetable industry.
In this edition, we profile three industry members who are excelling at their work. Our grower profile this month is Tasmania’s Matthew Young, who is connecting with the local community to determine what they want from their fresh produce. We also interview young grower Hayden Bogicevic (Vic), who reflects on his participation on the 2019 European Industry Leadership and Development Mission and Kate Rehbein, who is passionate about bringing Queensland ginger into the spotlight.
The edition also features a highlight article on the 2019 European Industry Leadership and Development Mission, a look at the great speakers you can expect at Hort Connections 2019 and a summary of the last three years of the VegNET project.
As well as these articles, there’s the same huge range of industry news and research and development content that we feature in every edition of the magazine.
Click here to read the magazine online, or read previous issues of the magazine in our publications section. If you’d like to sign up to receive Vegetables Australia or any other one of our publications, use our online sign-up form!