The Harmonised Australian Retailer Produce Scheme (HARPS) harmonises the additional food safety, legal and trade requirements developed by the major Australian chain retailers into a single scheme. Certification to a recognised base scheme (such as Freshcare, GLOBALG.A.P. or SQF) plus HARPS is now accepted by the five chain retailers, eliminating the need for duplication and unnecessary costs.

If you want to know more about HARPS, if your business requires HARPS approval, how to implement HARPS, how to register your interest in HARPS or where you can get additional support and guidance, a series of workshops are being held around Australia to help you get the information you need.

New workshops have been announced for Queensland growers in and around Brisbane and Gatton.

Workshops are now being held in:

For growers in other regions, a pre-recorded webinar will be available on the HARPS website. Additional workshops may also be held in other regions if there is enough grower demand.

Please note that changes have recently been made to the HARPS roll-out, including additional time allowed for some suppliers to achieve HARPS approval. If you have any questions about HARPS, please call 1300 852 219 or e-mail

This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 6 March 2018.