Upcoming webinar: Priority pest & disease issues across Werribee, Victoria
Join us for a vegetable industry webinar exploring priority pest and disease issues being faced across Werribee, as well as how consumer habits have changed over the past two years.
Hear from Llew Stevens (NielsenIQ), Cliff Kinoti (Agriculture Victoria), Ramez Aldaoud (Agriculture Victoria), Lavinia Zirnsak (Agriculture Victoria) and Maddy Quirk (AUSVEG) on topics of:
- Insights on how consumer habits have changed over the past two years, and what to lookout for as Australia re-opens.
- The state of silverleaf whitefly and tomato yellow leaf curl virus, and what the market access implications are for trade.
- Update on important vegetable virus diseases in Victoria; including, tomato yellow leaf curl virus, alfalfa mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus and tomato spotted wilt virus.
- Fungal and bacterial pathogens and non-disease disorders identified from vegetable samples received from Werribee areas in the 2021 season.
- Serpentine leafminer update.
- How to submit vegetable pest and disease samples to Agriculture Victoria for free diagnosis.
Date: Thursday 28 October 2021 | 1pm-2.15pm (AEDT).
Click here to register.