Minor use

Minor use is the permit system in Australia which allows for approved off-label use of agrichemicals for specific purposes. It is designed to assist minor crops gain greater access to agrichemicals when needed, and for approved minor use of agrichemicals on major crops.

Minor use is important because it plays an integral role in the Australian vegetable industry as on-label options are often limited for many vegetable crops, especially in the case of emerging crops grown for niche markets.

Strategic Agrichemical Review Process

To best understand the needs of vegetable growers, documents which represent current requirements are needed. The following Strategic Agrichemical Review Process (SARP) documents were produced with collaboration from growers across Australia.

Current vegetable SARP documents

As they were originally prepared in 2014, these documents may not currently represent the needs and major pest issues of vegetable growers.

Current potato SARP documents