Generation of residue data for pesticide minor-use permit applications in vegetable crops 2014
With APVMA approval of the minor-use permit applications that have been submitted, this project will provide growers with effective pesticide options for the control of various pests and diseases. Control measures for the various target pests and diseases within this project are limited with the proposed uses able to provide an alternative product or a more effective level of control for the fruit and vegetable industry. Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (HIAL) and the Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers require the generation of residue data for the control of various pests and diseases to support minor-use permit applications to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). The key outcome from this project is the gaining of approval renewal from the APVMA for use of the listed pesticide uses under the APVMA minor-use permits and eventual registration of the uses. This project consisted of eight studies, with these residue trials conducted to determine residue levels and crop safety following the use of various pesticides (see Methodology for further details). Residue data for the eight residues studies that are part of project VG14038, have been reported in their GLP Reports which were used to support minor-use permit renewal applications for the various active ingredients following submission to the APVMA