Serpentine leafminer (SLM Lyriomyza huidobrensis) has been detected in the Lockyer Valley in recent weeks. There have been multiple reports of leafminers in crops across region; however, SLM can […]
The serpentine leafminer (SLM; Liriomyza huidobrensis) is a plant pest from the family Agromyzidae, and has a wide host range of plant species that include broccoli, […]
Exotic leafminers such as vegetable leafminer (Liriomyza sativae), potato leafminer (Liriomyza huidobrensis) and American serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza trifolii), are significant global pests. In 2015, vegetable leafminer […]
In 2017, a Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund project was established to recognise the damaging impact that vegetable leafminer could have on some of Australia’s fresh produce […]
Hort Innovation has funded a new project Identifying potential parasitoids of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, and the risk to Australian horticulture (MT19015), which will examine […]
Serpentine leafminer is a harmful new pest that has arrived in the country and has established itself in some vegetable growing regions in New South Wales […]
Project partners have identified the serpentine leafminer as a pest that requires immediate further research and development of preparedness in case it establishes in Australia.
Take a look at this short video, developed by the Hort Innovation-funded project RD&E program for control, eradication, and preparedness for vegetable leafminer (MT16004), which explores the […]
Vegetable leafminer (VLM), potato leafminer and American serpentine leafminer are exotic flies that cause significant damage to horticultural commodities overseas, and potentially threaten Australia’s vegetable, nursery, melon and […]
If you missed the live webinar recently on exotic leafminers, you can watch the four-part series here. Delivered by cesar (project lead), Plant Health Australia, the University of Melbourne, Northern Australia Quarantine […]
The Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Biological Services, and AUSVEG have developed a collaborative industry webinar series focusing on tomato potato psyllid […]
It’s important for growers to understand the positive role native parasitoid wasps play in controlling biosecurity threats in Australian vegetable and nursery production regions. Click here […]
On Wednesday 6 May, vegetablesWA facilitated a biosecurity and plant health webinar, featuring discussions with AUSVEG staff. In this webinar, AUSVEG Biosecurity Coordinator Callum Fletcher discusses tomato […]
The Hort Innovation-funded vegetable leafminer (VLM) project was developed in recognition of the extensive impact VLM could have on Australia’s horticulture industries if it moves into […]
The American serpentine leafminer is a small fly belonging to the family Agromyzidae. It infects plant species from 29 plant families including many vegetable, ornamental and legume […]
In May 2019, Cesar and AUSVEG travelled to Torres Strait and Cape York Peninsula to undertake research and extension activities focusing on control, eradication and preparedness […]
On Tuesday 23 July 2019, AUSVEG was invited to speak about key exotic pests of brassica and leafy vegetables at the E.E Muir & Sons Brassica and Leafy Vegetables Agronomy and Sales Workshop in Werribee.
The project team behind the RD&E program for the control, eradication and preparedness for vegetable leafminer has developed a new interactive risk mapping tool.
Members of the AUSVEG Engagement and Extension team recently presented at the NT Farmers pre-season meeting discussing levy-funded initiatives and biosecurity projects.
cesar australia has published an update on researchers' work investigating vegetable leafminer in Far North Queensland, including exciting findings about parasitoid wasp populations.
The Werribee Future Farming Field Day will include an in-field demonstration of the RIPPA, insights into agtech and mock vegetable leafminer surveillance.
Free workshops and extension activities will provide training in irrigation, chemical handling, pest and disease identification, biosecurity planning and much more.
This workshop will show growers how food extrusion is turning waste crops into healthy snacks, and take you through mock surveillance for vegetable leafminer.