In October 2017, a project was launched with the aim in enabling the vegetable, potato and processing tomato industries to take a proactive and strategic approach […]
Following a 10-month hiatus due to COVID-19, AUSVEG’s Alan Nankivell has resumed his role as the National Tomato- Potato Psyllid Coordinator. In this column, Alan reports […]
A three-year investment, designed for the early detection of and preparedness for tomato-potato psyllid should it cross from Western Australia into other regions, commenced in mid-2019. […]
The following statement is currently been circulated to industry stakeholders for sign off. We would welcome any feedback from growers in either Queensland, New South Wales, […]
On Wednesday 6 May, vegetablesWA facilitated a biosecurity and plant health webinar, featuring discussions with AUSVEG staff. In this webinar, AUSVEG Biosecurity Coordinator Callum Fletcher discusses tomato […]
AUSVEG National Tomato-Potato Psyllid Coordinator Alan Nankivell discusses the outcomes of a workshop between Plant Health Committee members and industry stakeholders to develop a risk mitigation […]
Following ongoing collaborative work between AUSVEG and Plant Health Committee (PHC), a new communique has been released on the movement of processing and ware potatoes in the event of […]
As part of MT16018 Tomato potato psyllid (TPP) National Program Coordinator, a draft National Management Plan has been developed. The Plan is a work in progress […]
Plans for the vegetable, potato, processing tomato and nursery and garden industries are now available on the tomato potato psyllid portal on the AUSVEG website.
In this video, produced in collaboration with DPIRD WA, we speak to members of the plan transitioning to the management phase for tomato potato psyllid.
The 2017 edition of Grower Success Stories – Real results from the potato R&D levy is now available online, highlighting on-farm benefits from research.