10 May 2023 Federal Budget overview Last night on Tuesday 9 March the Federal Government released its 2023/24 Federal Budget. This budget was an opportunity […]
Last week, the Victorian Vegetable Innovation Days 2023 (VicVID) showcased a range of seed, fertiliser and agchem trials and around 20 marquees of other supply chain […]
20 December 2022 Growers have been through the ringer in 2022, facing COVID-19, rising input costs, flooding, flooding, worker shortages, flooding, and varroa mite, to name […]
AUSVEG submitted a response this week to the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Inquiry into Food Security in Australia. The AUSVEG submission focused on eight key areas, […]
Workforce Special Agriculture Workforce Tripartite Following the Jobs and Skills Summit in September, Agriculture Minister Murray Watt and a selection of unions and agriculture bodies joined […]
Federal Budget 2022-23 AUSVEG welcomes the new Federal Government investment into the PALM scheme, skills, biosecurity, and accommodation. Each of these will contribute to the goal […]
Austrade has produced an Industry Capability Report for Australian vegetables, which highlights Australia’s proven reputation for supplying the safest, highest quality fresh vegetable produce in the […]
It’s no secret that 2022 has been one of the most challenging years for many vegetable and potato growers around Australia, who have dealt with significant […]
It’s no secret that 2022 has been one of the most challenging years for many vegetable and potato growers around Australia, who have dealt with significant […]
It’s no secret that 2022 has been one of the most challenging years for many vegetable and potato growers around Australia, who have dealt with significant […]
With the current challenges growers are facing with rising farm input costs and the margin squeeze from buyers, it is important that growers are reminded about […]
On Saturday night, AUSVEG’s Cherry Emerick and Chloe Betts headed to Gatton, Queensland, where they attended the Lockyer Valley Growers’ ‘Touched By Cancer Charity Gala Dinner’. […]
Agriculture Visa announced Today the Australian government has confirmed that regulations to enable the creation of the Australian Agriculture Visa will be in place by the […]
Australia’s leading horticulture growers and industry members have been recognised at the Hort Connections 2021 National Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner, with attendees from every sector […]
The Federal Government is offering financial incentives to help businesses hire and keep new employees. Your business may be able to get up to $10,000 (GST inclusive) […]
Harvest Labour AUSVEG was this week in Canberra advocating to Federal Government for solutions regarding the Harvest Labour Shortage, which is at a critical stage. AUSVEG […]
National Lost Crop Register AUSVEG is urging growers to utilise the National Lost Crop Register to log their losses due to the lack of labour available […]
Labour Labour issues are coming to a head with various growers walking away from crops or ploughing them into the ground across the country. It continues […]
Labour A report was released this week forecasting Australian horticulture industry is facing a shortage of up to 26,000 harvest workers throughout this coming season. The […]
Labour Labour continues to be central to AUSVEG’s advocacy activities as workforce shortages hit the sector throughout Australia. AUSVEG has continued to raise concerns around worker […]
Labour Labour continues to be front and centre of AUSVEG’s advocacy discussions with crunch time now firmly upon us in many parts of the country. AUSVEG […]
Apart from enjoying the lifestyle synonymous to farming, 32 year-old Josh Langmaid has a keen interest in implementing new technologies and ideas on his farm in […]
Labour Labour continues to be a high priority in AUSVEG’s advocacy efforts with the key aim to deliver a reliable, competent and efficient workforce for growers. […]
The Federal Court has ruled that the backpacker tax cannot be applied to citizens of eight countries who are Australian residents. The decision applies to Working […]
AUSVEG Canberra delegation Last week AUSVEG headed to Canberra to advocate on behalf of growers for practical solutions to the horticulture’s labour challenge. AUSVEG Chair Bill Bulmer, […]
The iMapPESTS program aims to rapidly monitor and report the presence of priority pests and diseases to aid in on-farm decision making across all plant industries […]
Australia’s leading horticulture growers and industry members have been recognised at the Hort Connections 2019 National Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner.
Day Three of Hort Connections 2019 was all about celebrating diversity and acknowledging the best and brightest of our industry with the National Awards for Excellence!
Day Two of Hort Connections 2019 featured a number of inspiring speaker sessions, where delegates could take an in-depth look at the state of the horticulture industry in Australia now and into the future.
A number of important issues for the horticulture industry were discussed during a productive first meeting between AUSVEG and the newly-appointed Minister for Agriculture, Bridget McKenzie.
The Biosecurity OnLine Training (BOLT) platform is an e-learning course that helps industry members identify and report suspect pests and learn what might happen after they complete a report.
A workshop held in early May helped South Australian vegetable and potato growers understand the importance of remaining aware of plant pest and disease incursion risks.
AUSVEG, Plant Health Australia and RMCG facilitated an industry consultation workshop with all sectors of the potato industry, aiming to better understand the industry’s approach to surveillance of exotic and notifiable pests and diseases.
Hort Innovation's website contains new grower fund pages for the vegetable, fresh potato and potato processing funds with the latest fact sheets, research, news articles and more!