Looking for ways to manage blackleg in potato crops? This fact sheet provides information on management strategies, the bacteria which commonly cause the disease and what […]
Pink rot is a soil-borne disease caused by the pathogen Phytopthora erythroseptica. A factsheet – produced by RM Consulting Group – provides information on the pathogen, […]
What are the key pests affecting potato production in other countries and what R&D is occurring to better manage them? This scan of international pest and […]
Pink rot, caused by Phytopthora erythroseptica, is a disease of increasing importance to the potato industry, particularly in key potato production regions of Tasmania, and to […]
Powdery scab is an economically important disease of potato crops in Australia and New Zealand, and around the world. This is because the lesions on tubers […]
The Potato Industry Research and Development Forum gave industry members a chance to hear the latest research updates and have their pest and disease questions answered.