The iMapPESTS sentinel surveillance for agriculture has commenced a trial of its mobile insect surveillance unit in Ayr, Queensland. The mobile surveillance unit, Sentinel 9, has […]
Last week, members of the AUSVEG Extension and Engagement team attended the inaugural Far North Queensland Growers R&D Field Day. More than 400 people filed through […]
The iMapPESTS team recently deployed mobile surveillance unit, Sentinel 6 (pictured) to Bowen in Queensland’s Whitsunday region, where it is monitoring high priority pests and diseases […]
Last week, AUSVEG’s Shakira Johnson (Communication and Extension for iMapPESTS) and Maddy Quirk (AUSVEG Project Officer) travelled from Melbourne to Adelaide to undertake engagement activities for […]
The iMapPESTS team has recently deployed mobile surveillance unit, Sentinel 4 (pictured) to Horsham where it is monitoring high priority pests and diseases, such as aphids […]
Last week, the iMapPESTS team launched its first mobile surveillance unit trial in the Sunraysia region, deploying Sentinel 4 at the SuniTAFE SMART Farm in Mildura. […]
Despite ongoing movement restrictions around the country, the iMapPESTS team has demonstrated a successful rollout of the new and improved mobile surveillance units across multiple locations […]
Managing pests and diseases is a constant issue for Australia’s plant industries – including vegetables – and the prospect of new threats is ever-present. In 2017, […]
The ability to accurately monitor the timing, abundance and movement of airborne agricultural pests and pathogens is limited and fragmented across the Australian landscape. iMapPESTS is […]
Pest and disease management is an ongoing challenge for our industry and access to accurate and timely information is essential for decision makers on-farm. iMapPESTS aims […]
Fresh from showcasing the cutting-edge mobile plant pest surveillance units – also know as ‘sentinels’ – at the Lockyer Valley Growers Expo and Hort Connections, the […]
The iMapPESTS team has recently deployed Sentinel 6 (see image above) to a location near Toowoomba where we are trialling its capacity to monitor the serpentine […]
iMapPESTS is a five-year project that aims to provide a framework for a plant pest surveillance system that can rapidly monitor and report the presence of […]
The ability to accurately monitor the timing, abundance and movement of airborne agricultural pests and pathogens is limited and fragmented across the Australian landscape. The iMapPESTS […]
iMapPESTS is a five-year project that aims to provide a framework for a coordinated cross-industry system that can rapidly monitor and report the presence of high-priority […]
The iMapPESTS team has finalised a trial of Sentinel 4 at Thorndon Park Produce in Virginia, South Australia. The team have deployed the compact plant pest surveillance unit […]
A high-tech mobile surveillance unit was delivered at the end of October as part of Hort Innovation’s multi-agricultural industry surveillance initiative – iMapPESTS. The iMapPESTS: Sentinel […]