A new trade era with one of the fastest growing economies has commenced, with the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) taking effect on 5 July. The IA-CEPA agreement […]
Compost is a mixture of recycled organic materials that have been processed by natural organisms, breaking down the original materials into a usable form. Compost has […]
In this episode of InfoVeg Radio, the AUSVEG team takes you through a number of vegetable industry research projects that have been undertaken over the last three years. These projects include VegNET, Phenomenom, EnviroVeg and many more!
Harvest to Home is an interactive dashboard that provides users with up-to-date consumer trend data on a range of vegetable commodities on a single platform. The […]
For Hort Innovation members that pay a statutory or voluntary industry levy, completing an Annual Levy Return form is the way to secure voting rights for the company’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), which this year is being held on Friday 22 November 2019.
This fact sheet documents the findings from a grower-led demonstration where calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) was applied as a wax coated fertiliser prior to a carrot crop in Western Australia in 2017.
Join this interactive lunchtime session to hear from leading industry experts on some of the most interesting and practical advances in weed management.
In May 2019, Cesar and AUSVEG travelled to Torres Strait and Cape York Peninsula to undertake research and extension activities focusing on control, eradication and preparedness […]
Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture PhD student Nha Huynh is investigating ways to maintain the quality of fresh fruit and vegetables after being transported long distances and […]
Growing Matters is an exciting new way to access information from levy-funded projects, research teams and your fellow growers – and you can listen whenever, wherever for […]
Kate and her husband Anthony grow several commodities including ginger, and her focus in recent years has been selling their ginger online to Australian consumers. We profiled Kate in our latest edition of Vegetables Australia.
Hayden Bogicevic is a 29-year-old grower from Coolibah Herbs in Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. We profiled him in the May/June 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia magazine.
Tasmanian-based Elphin Grove Farm is evolving, and Matthew Young is driving that shift by connecting with the local community to find out what consumers want from their fresh produce.
Born and bred in the city and hailing from a corporate background, Janne Dipple did not follow a traditional route into the farming industry. We profiled Janne in the January/February 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia.
Cecilia Diaz-Petersen – better known as CC – and her husband Greg are one of only a few commercial rosella growers in Australia. We profiled her in the March/April 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia magazine.
Justin Vanstone is a 26-year-old Queensland grower from Vanstone Produce. We profiled him in the January/February 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia magazine.
In this podcast we cover the levy-funded Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection projects, which give growers practical advice for on-farm practice change.
The latest edition of our industry magazine Vegetables Australia includes a huge range of research updates, industry news and stories about Australian growers.
In the latest edition of InfoVeg Radio, we speak with Victorian grower Rick Butler and Queensland grower Brendan Dipple about their experiences on grower missions.
The latest episode of InfoVeg TV speaks with grower Chris Schreurs and other industry members about export support available for Australian vegetable growers.
In this edition we talk to a representative from Nielsen Australia about the huge range of vegetable consumer data available through the free online dashboard.
The latest episode of InfoVeg TV breaks down how Hort Innovation invests in projects to help the industry tackle challenges and increase its productivity.
Lisa Brassington from Peninsula Fresh Organics in Victoria was one of 21 students to undertake the inaugural Masterclass in Horticultural Business in 2017.
Read about the lessons learned by Tasmanian agronomist Josh Wing during a 2016 study tour to New Zealand focussing on precision agriculture techniques.