Greg Owens is a well-respected horticulture industry member. He has immense knowledge of the industry and growing conditions in the Northern Territory, having worked in the […]
Regional growers in Darwin and Katherine gathered in March to attend an Irrigation Efficiency Masterclass, which was conducted by Irrigation Australia and jointly hosted by the […]
With the 2021 Northern Territory vegetable season knocking at our door, it’s a timely reminder to revisit the importance of biosecurity, and how clear and simple […]
Despite the challenges faced, 2020 has seen the Northern Territory vegetable industry continuing to commit to providing fresh and valuable produce to Australia’s southern markets during […]
The Phase II VegNET – Northern Territory Regional Extension Plan found an identifiable gap in grower awareness and understanding of NT soils. Unearthing NT Soil Wealth […]
Regional vegetable producers in Katherine, 320km southeast of Darwin in the Northern Territory, recently had an opportunity to participate in a discussion about the challenges, problems, […]
Growers: Bluey Stoldt and Mike Scott Works at: Organic Ag Bluey Stoldt and Mike Scott are the backbone behind Organic Ag, an organic fruit and vegetable […]
The Northern Territory’s Dry season is typically the busiest production time of the year, with all vegetable and horticultural producers in full swing. Despite the challenges […]
The Northern Territory Farmers Association (NT Farmers) is the peak body for all the plant-based industries in the Northern Territory. As the Regional Development Officer within the […]
Works at: NT Farmers Association Position: VegNET Northern Territory Regional Development Officer Hi Simone, thank you for taking the time to chat! Firstly, can you please […]