News & Media

As part of our levy-funded work and our advocacy activities, AUSVEG undertakes a wide range of communications and media management work.

Latest news

The latest news affecting Australian vegetable and potato growers and the Australian horticulture industry, including information on research and development projects and industry events.

Weekly Update

Our weekly e-newsletter is distributed to the industry to keep you informed about the news and issues affecting your business. We archive it online so you can always find the stories you need.


We produce a wide range of levy-funded vegetable and potato industry publications, including the industry magazines Vegetables Australia and Potatoes Australia, the Grower Success Stories series and Vegenotes.

Media releases

AUSVEG speaks to the media to represent Australian growers and fight for our sector. Read our latest media releases here to learn more about the issues affecting the profitability and productivity of our industry.

Meet our growers

We regularly profile to the growers around Australia who are growing fresh produce to help feed the country. Learn more about these growers and their stories.

Media kit

Our traditional and digital media publications have unmatched reach and penetration within the Australian vegetable and potato industries. Take a look at our media kit to find out how your business can reach our networks.

Subscribe to AUSVEG

AUSVEG distributes our magazines and e-newsletters free of charge to keep you informed and make sure you're aware of research, events and opportunities for your business. You can subscribe easily using our online forms!