Consumer attitudes and usage in the green leaf category
15 January 2014USA Carrot Grower Study Tour 2013
12 February 2014Developing international export markets has been identified as a key priority for the Australian vegetable industry and will be important in securing future profitability for Australian growers. Markets in Asia have been identified as the focus for Australian exporters given their proximity to Australia and opportunities provided through the counter-seasonality of our produce. The Asia Fruit Logistica (AFL) exhibition is the premier fresh produce event in the Asia-Pacific and attracts international industry heavyweights including importers and buyers representing major supermarkets. In 2013, AFL took place in Hong Kong (Sept 4-6, 2013) and attracted more than 6,500 visitors. AFL provides the perfect setting to showcase Australian vegetable produce to Asian buyers. The exhibition is an opportunity for the Australian vegetable industry to demonstrate the ‘clean and green’ image of Australian vegetables that has resulted from R&D investment. AFL also allows importers, supermarkets and buyers to see examples of the R&D that supports Australian high quality produce. To ensure that Australian R&D was showcased in a professional way, AUSVEG, managed the development of an Australian Vegetables stand at AFL, which intended to bring buyers, importers, exporters and growers together to highlight the quality and safety of Australian vegetables as a result of R&D. As part of this, a number of growers, researchers and industry representatives were present at the stand to communicate these messages. The stand was designed by AUSVEG and it showcased fresh Australian vegetables, R&D information and industry publications. The Australian representatives provided buyers and interested parties an overview of the Australian vegetable industry, seasonality details and a description of export requirements. As well as this, representatives captured information through a survey to register interest from potential importers in sourcing vegetables from Australia. The presence of the Australian vegetable industry at AFL informed potential buyers in Asia about the opportunities provided through trade with Australia and the existing advantages related to the high quality and safe vegetables it produces as a result of the industry investment in R&D. The Australian delegates were also able to verify the demand for high quality, clean and safe produce and the importance of relationships when trading with Asian operations. As a result of the visit, representatives of the vegetable industry have established new relationships with the Asian market and are better informed about all aspects of these key export markets.