Targeting insects using novel inhibitors of development and physiology
20 July 2015A Strategy to Address Consumption of Vegetables in Children
30 July 2015An absence of suitable pest and disease management tools can hamper the development and productivity of many smaller vegetable industries. This lack can be caused by a range of factors, such as: the development of pesticide resistance; emergence of new pests or diseases; advent of new cropping systems; an increasing move towards integrated pest management (need for selectivity); and the disinclination of many manufacturers to seek registrations in small acreage crops. To try and alleviate the situation, Horticulture Australia Ltd (HAL) and the Australian vegetable industry, via Project VG11030, required the preparation of minor-use permit applications, covering a range of vegetables crops to be prepared and submitted to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). The project’s goal was to obtain regulatory approvals for eight pesticides covering over 40 pesticide × commodity uses. Uses which had previously been identified as necessary, via industry consultation, in project MT10029. The project team researched, collated and submitted information, in support of the requested uses, to the APVMA. All minor use permit applications were submitted in January 2012. To date no approvals have been granted by the APVMA. As the statutory timeframes for the assessment of minor use permit applications is 6 months it is anticipated that approvals will be gained by the end of July 2012.