Project recap: Australian vegetable crops – maximising returns from water
21 April 2020Green Walls bridge gap between urban cities and nature
21 April 2020The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) Horticulture Council is now entering its third year and has developed into an effective pathway to raise and advocate issues on behalf of the horticulture industry.
As a result, membership of the Council has continued to grow which is a positive sign of the industry coming together on common issues.
As a Council member, AUSVEG is offering its National Public Affairs Manager Tyson Cattle, to go on secondment two days a week to the NFF as the Horticulture Council’s Executive Officer, to help continue to drive issues and keep the council on an upward curve.
Tyson has worked at AUSVEG for the past two years, and has developed a strong knowledge of all things horticulture and has demonstrated a formidable ability to advocate industry concerns and effective horticulture-focused messages to government.