Farm Biosecurity Action Plan: English, Vietnamese
25 November 2024Farm Biosecurity, Pest, Disease, and Weed Surveillance: Vietnamese
25 November 2024Vehicle and machinery surfaces often collect soil and plant debris. This represents a biosecurity risk because many plant pests, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, viroids, nematodes, and insects (and insect eggs), can remain stable in soil and plant matter for long periods.
A clean-down facility is an area where growers, farm workers, extension officers and contractors can clean and disinfect all vehicles and machinery entering or leaving growing areas. Regular use of the facility will go a long way towards reducing the chance of introducing pests to a property and spreading pests to other regions.
- Vehicle cleaning fact sheet – English
- Vehicle cleaning fact sheet – Chinese
- Vehicle cleaning fact sheet – Khmer
- Vehicle cleaning face sheet – Vietnames
Fact sheet
Pests diseases and biosecurity