Bushfire recovery research underway
8 September 2020Trade initiatives to support the sector through COVID related impacts
8 September 2020As the weather starts to warm up, it’s timely to start preparing your irrigation system and reviewing your water availability for the coming summer.
This webinar recording, hosted by VegNET Victoria (South-East, West and North), discusses managing summer crop water demands and the options for making the most of your irrigation water, as well as climatic outlooks and available tools and resources for growers, with a specific focus on Victoria.
You can also read this fact sheet on the water quality parameters you should know about when it comes to vegetable crop irrigation, including salinity, sodicity, calcium carbonate and other macronutrients.
These resources have been produced by the Hort Innovation-funded Soil Wealth and ICP project – jointly delivered by RM Consulting Group and Applied Horticultural Research.