Watch: Labour webinar for WA hort growers
28 July 2020Using cover crops to manage mycorrhizal fungi for veg crops
28 July 2020Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an important tool to manage vegetable pests in a sustainable way.
In this five minute video, agronomist Stuart Grigg, Schreurs & Sons Director Adam Schreurs, and Fresh Select CEO John Said discuss how IPM has achieved sustainable results in dealing with problem vegetable pests.
The trio discuss how IPM has enhanced the way they achieve new and sustainable results in dealing with potentially ruinous vegetable pests, many of which had developed pesticide resistance.
This resource was developed as part of VG15049: Regional capacity building to grow vegetable businesses – national coordination and linkage project. This project was funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.