Exploring practical pollination measures for Australian horticulture
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14 September 2020Under the guidance of new Regional Development Officer – Ossie Lang – phase two of the VegNET Tasmania project is well-underway. In this column, the VegNET Tasmania project team reports on its priorities over the next five years.
A new look for VegNET Phase 2
The VegNET Tasmania team has developed a regionally-focused extension plan for the vegetable industry for the next five years.
With the diversity of crops grown in Tasmania, and the diverse operations in which these crops are grown, activities will be tailored – and the team is working with local organisations for the benefit of local vegetable growers.
Project priorities
Broadly speaking, our focus areas fall in to two overall categories: ‘cost of production’ and ‘risk management’, and include the following topics:
- Labour.
- Precision agriculture and other technologies.
- Waste management.
- Business management.
- Crop protection.
- Biosecurity.
- Soil and input management.
- Climate risk management.
- Activities will be tailored for Tasmania’s regions. With the diversity of crops and growing conditions within the state, we will be offering more focused activities within the state in a more regionally- aligned way.
- North-west Tasmania – crops grown on contract for processors and packers, and grown in vegetable cropping systems alongside other crops including potatoes, onions, pyrethrum and poppies.
- Northern Tasmania – working with processing peas, beans and other vegetable growers on mixed farms.
- Southern Tasmania – mainly leafy vegetable crops, with a focus on fresh market supply.
Our activities will focus on coordinating training and assisting individuals and grower groups with support in implementing farm planning and decision-making tools.
Training coordination
Having a skilled workforce can save your business money. VegNET Tasmania can coordinate training if there is sufficient demand, e.g. training for supervisors. Contact Ossie Lang on the below details if you have already identified training needs in your business.
We are planning to work with industry to prepare for the implementation of the new Tasmanian Biosecurity Act, and the implications for vegetable growers and service providers.
Herbicide resistance
We would like to work with growers and agronomists to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance. We will be working with growers and agronomists to better understand the potential issues and ensure we are on the front-foot to minimise the risk.
Contact your Regional Development Officer
VegNET RDO for Tasmania Ossie Lang joined the team in July. Ossie is responsible for working with industry and growers to coordinate and extend research results, resources, available courses, and relevant events. Ossie is keen to hear from growers, and to discuss their priorities for VegNET Tasmania.
Find out more
Please contact Ossie Lang on ossiel@rmcg.com.au or 0430 380 414.
Follow us on social media via the VegNET Tasmania Facebook page and on Twitter.
VegNET – Tasmania is a strategic levy investment under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund.
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.
Project Number: VG19014
Feature image: A cover crop demonstration site at Houston’s Farm in Richmond, Tasmania.
This article features in the spring 2020 edition of Vegetables Australia. Click here to read the full publication.