The Food and Grocery Code of Conduct was introduced in 2015 as a voluntary code under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

The Government has now released a consultation paper for the review of the dispute resolution provisions in PartΒ 5 of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct.

AUSVEG will be preparing a submission and are seeking grower feedback on their experiences with the dispute resolution process and/or whether there are reasons for not pursuing dispute resolutions with a retailer. AUSVEG would also be interested in hearing whether growers have any suggestions on improving the dispute resolution process.

AUSVEG would like to include any case studies in our submission and would like growers to contact us. Any case studies would be included anonymously.

This submission is only dealing with the dispute resolution provisions of the Code. The next review of the Code in OctoberΒ 2023 will examine the remaining provisions of the Code.

Further information about the review in to the Food and Grocery Code and the consultation paper please visit: Food and Grocery Code of Conduct Review 2022-23 |

Submissions are due to be lodged on the 1 February 2023 however we would like any feedback to be included in the submission prior to Friday 20th January 2023.

To provide feedback please click here.