Industry events
Keep track of events in the Australian vegetable industry using the AUSVEG calendar. If you have an event you’d like listed, use our contact form to get in touch.
Events listed in bold are part of the National Vegetable Extension Network (VegNET), a strategic levy investment project under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund which is communicating research and development information to Australian growers.
The inaugural AgTech Summit, to be held in Melbourne in March 2018, will explore the impact that technology is having on the Australian agriculture industry.
To be held over 13–14 March, the event will feature a wide range of speakers covering all facets of technology in agriculture, including vertical farming, precision farming, the Internet of Things, robotics, biotechnology, supply chain technology and yield management.
For more information on the Summit (including a full list of speakers and topics), or to register to attend, please click here.