Industry events
Keep track of events in the Australian vegetable industry using the AUSVEG calendar. If you have an event you’d like listed, use our contact form to get in touch.
Events listed in bold are part of the National Vegetable Extension Network (VegNET), a strategic levy investment project under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund which is communicating research and development information to Australian growers.
What are the best ways to actively prevent, manage and monitor?
Local advisers and growers presenting & discussing:
Take home a diagnostics kit to submit pest & disease samples to the NSW DPI laboratory for FREE!
Where: Kaka Sandhu
When: Wed 1 May, 4pm-6.30pm
Click here to register for this event.
Hands-on interactive sessions with presenters from AUSVEG, Local Land Services, Southern Cross University, Biological Services and BioWorks!
Social dinner at 6.30pm!
Marguerite White
Coordinator, Building biosecurity capacity & resilience
Phone: 0447 500 415
Harriet Brickhill
Senior Local Land Services Officer
Phone: 0467 446 222
This is an event of the Building Biosecurity Capacity and Resilience within the NSW Vegetable Industry Project, funded by the Australian and NSW Government’s Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program with support from AUSVEG, and the Clean Coastal Catchments project of North Coast Local Land Services, part of the NSW Government funded Marine Estate Strateg