Industry events
Keep track of events in the Australian vegetable industry using the AUSVEG calendar. If you have an event you’d like listed, use our contact form to get in touch.
Events listed in bold are part of the National Vegetable Extension Network (VegNET), a strategic levy investment project under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund which is communicating research and development information to Australian growers.
The National Rural Health Conference is the pre‑eminent event in Australia for information and inspiration about rural and remote health and wellbeing.
Join us at the 17th National Rural Health Conference – Imagine, Inspire and Innovate! The preeminent event in the southern hemisphere focusing on building healthy, sustainable and resilient rural communities. With plenty of opportunities for networking, the Conference will focus on innovative important topics such as rural health workforce capacity and training, determinants of health, mental health, the effects of climate change on health, Indigenous health, cultural safety, arts and health, as well as healthcare research and innovation.
If you are a health care consumer, health professional, student, researcher or policymaker, this is the one event in 2024 that you must not miss. Come and join us as we collaborate and imagine opportunities to create a sustainable, innovative healthcare system for rural and remote Australia.