Webinar: Growers, Share Your Insights – On-Ground Challenges in Nematode Management

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Events listed in bold are part of the National Vegetable Extension Network (VegNET), a strategic levy investment project under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund which is communicating research and development information to Australian growers.

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Webinar: Growers, Share Your Insights – On-Ground Challenges in Nematode Management

4 March @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Hort Innovation Australia, in collaboration with AUSVEG and Impact Innovation, invites vegetable growers across Australia to a dedicated workshop-style webinar focusing on the challenges and needs of nematode management.

This is your chance to share your experiences, provide valuable input, and help shape practical strategies that reflect the realities of on-ground management.

Why Attend?

  • Share Your Experience: Ensure that your on-farm challenges and priorities are heard and addressed.
  • Grower-Focused Solutions: Help shape region-specific strategies that work for you.
  • Inform the Conversation: Contribute insights that will drive meaningful, sustainable approaches to nematode management.


03 9882 0277
View Organiser Website

