Export readiness


Learn how to export fresh vegetables overseas

Since 2014 AUSVEG has been undertaking a range of export capability development activities to assist vegetable growers to become export ready.

In partnership with the Export Council of Australia (ECA) and Bisnis Asia, AUSVEG has developed a range of education and training courses delivered via face to face workshops or online.

AUSVEG, in conjunction with Hort Innovation, has developed a range of info-sheets and resources to assist growers to become export ready, which are available in both print and online formats.

Am I ready to export fresh produce?

  • Becoming export ready can be challenging and requires real commitment to build a viable export business.
  • The key to exporting to a new market is understanding the specific requirements and expectations of that market.
  • Understanding these requirements is a crucial component to develop a successful export strategy.

Export training opportunities for Australian vegetable growers

Export Fundamentals for Australian Fruit & Vegetable Growers: From Farmgate to International Markets

The ‘Export Fundamentals for Australian Fruit & Vegetable Growers: From Farmgate to International Markets’ online training course was launched in 2020. This online course is customised to Australian growers to provide foundational training to understand a broad range of topics relating to international trade for fresh produce.

For more information on AUSVEG’s Export Fundamentals E-Learning Program, please click here.

To register click here or email us at export@ausveg.com.au.

Cultural Business Etiquette Training

Cultural differences can be an obstacle when conducting business overseas. From time to time, businesses may have missed opportunities by not knowing that they have said the wrong word or phrase, selected a wrong image or colour on their business cards or product packaging, or misunderstood cultural greetings when speaking to foreign customers. This program is designed to help businesses familiarise themselves with conducting business in an international context.

For more information on AUSVEG’s Cultural Business Etiquette Training Program, please click here.

To register click here or email us at export@ausveg.com.au.

Export Readiness Training Workshops

This program delivers face to face workshops throughout the year in growing regions around the country. Topics covered include export planning, pricing strategies, market entry options, Free Trade Agreements, and export freight and logistics.

These workshops are currently being offered on an EOI basis. To express your interest, or learn more please contact AUSVEG at (03) 9882 0277 or email us at export@ausveg.com.au.

Learn more about export workshops and training

To register your interest in attending an Export Readiness Workshop, accessing an online course, or learning more, please contact the AUSVEG Export team on 03 9882 0277 or export@ausveg.com.au. Please provide a recent copy of your Levy Remittance Advice document when registering.

Email for inquiries