Women’s Grower Study Tour 2014-2016
28 March 2016Generation of Residue Data for Pesticide Minor-Use Permit Applications in Vegetable Crops 2013 – CPR
10 May 2016The National Vegetable Levy funds valuable research and development projects which aim to deliver tangible benefits to Australian vegetable growers and their business operations, with levy funds invested in work to protect biosecurity, improve soil health, and further a wide range of other initiatives. Modern vegetable farming is more than just growing vegetable crops – it involves business management skills and an active engagement with R&D in order to remain competitive in an ever-changing market. The Coordinated Knowledge and Industry Development Program (“CKAIDP”) was created and managed by AUSVEG, and overseen by Horticulture Australia Limited (“HAL”)/Horticulture Innovation Australia (“HIA”) to develop the industry by ensuring that the results of levy-funded R&D were communicated comprehensively to growers. Over the three-year life of the project, the CKAIDP provided a consolidated channel of regular analysis and communications for vegetable growers. It targeted activities to promote increased use of the vegetable industry Knowledge Management System, known as InfoVeg; it improved the usability of InfoVeg and added new features, including a mobile/tablet compatible version of the database and an improved process for uploading R&D outputs to InfoVeg; and it provided ongoing briefings to agronomists and service providers about InfoVeg. The project also used a range of communication channels to promote greater adoption of R&D to levy payers, including through providing ongoing communications support for the Consumers and Markets Program for the Vegetable Industry and by delivering enhanced economics coverage and analysis for the vegetable industry.