Women’s Grower Study Tour 2014-2016
28 March 2016Generation of Residue Data for Pesticide Minor-Use Permit Applications in Vegetable Crops 2013 – CPR
10 May 2016Vegetables Australia is the flagship print communication tool for the communication programs funded by the National Vegetable Levy, rising from its launch in July 2005 to its current prominence as a cornerstone of research and development (R&D) communication in the vegetable industry. The magazine was launched after the Industry Communications Audit revealed that vegetable growers were supportive of a magazine designed to disseminate R&D information. Research conducted at the time highlighted a low level of internet and email use among growers, suggesting that a magazine format would be an appropriate and relevant mode of communicating with growers about the National Vegetable R&D program. Vegetables Australia continues to be one of the most preferred methods of communication in the Australian vegetable industry. The overall objectives of the publication of Vegetables Australia have remained consistent since the inception of the project: to present R&D projects and information in a clear and easy-to-understand manner, and to interpret and condense the key elements of new research, projects, news and events in a form that is practical for vegetable levy payers and a broader audience. Since its first publication, Vegetables Australia has grown to be the most widely distributed magazine in horticulture, as certified by the Audited Media Association of Australia’s Circulations Audit Board, with approximately 6,000 readers receiving each edition of the magazine. By reaching such a broad audience across the entire Australian vegetable industry, Vegetables Australia has simultaneously aided and informed a greater understanding of R&D performed in key areas, such as pest and disease management and best farming practices.