Market research for investigating opportunities for more vegetable meal occasions
14 April 2016Sweetpotato Chlorotic Stunt Virus (SPCSV)
7 July 2016Since its establishment in 1996, the National Vegetable Levy, with contributions from the Australian Government, has funded vital research and development (R&D) to help improve the productivity and profitability of Australian vegetable growing operations. The purpose of the Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (HIA) funded VG12014 National Vegetable Industry Communication Strategy: Management and Implementation (VICS) project is to effectively communicate the findings of this R&D to growers and industry, and ensure that all National Vegetable Levy payers throughout Australia are aware of the outcomes from the investment of their levies. The VICS project commenced in December 2012 under the management of AUSVEG, and was undertaken to ensure that National Vegetable Levy payers and other key industry stakeholders were provided with information regarding the outcomes of all relevant research and development projects and other relevant industry news, issues and data. The VICS project heralded the arrival of an exciting period for the industry, with the combination of emerging and traditional media and communication methods, ranging from printed booklets and brochures to email and emerging online, social media and mobile technologies, set to better inform and involve all sectors of the vegetable growing community, resulting in better transfer of R&D outcomes and industry information to Australian growers. As well as this, VICS provided levy payers with a sense of ownership over their industry communications through greater interaction with other sectors of the industry.