Targeting insects using novel inhibitors of development and physiology
20 July 2015A Strategy to Address Consumption of Vegetables in Children
30 July 2015Australia’s geographic isolation has meant that the region has been relatively free of many pests that have wrought havoc on plant industries overseas. Freedom from these exotic pests is a real trade benefit for Australia in terms of securing market access domestically and internationally. Maintenance of our plant health status is vital for retaining existing trade opportunities, negotiating access to new overseas markets and ensuring the future profitability and sustainability of our plant industries. The Pineapple Industry Biosecurity Plan is the industry’s blueprint for providing the best possible protection against new plant pests. The plan covers: • the highest risk pests (threat identification and analysis); • how the industry guards against exotic pests (risk mitigation activities); • how the industry will know when an exotic pest has arrived (surveillance) and how to identify it (diagnostics); and • how the industry deals with exotic pests if found (contingency plans). The objective of this project (PI06003) was the development of a Pineapple Industry Biosecurity Plan. This was done as a collaborative project between the industry and government stakeholders. The Industry Biosecurity Plan is available via the Plant Health Australia website ( The development of the Industry Biosecurity Plan was guided by the Industry Biosecurity Group (IBG). Members of the IBG included key industry representatives, PHA, HAL, the Australian government, the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries and other relevant organisations where technical expertise resides. An industry’s Biosecurity Plan is a ‘living’ document. PHA will assist the industry and government to regularly review and update the plan, ensuring it contains the latest possible information on pest risks and the most up-to-date strategies for industry protection.