Visit To North Asia And Attendance At The HOFEX ’99 And Asiafruit Congress, Hong Kong, May 1999
1 June 1999Project overview
Project Code
From 2017 to 2019, this project delivered leadership education to participants from across the Australian nursery and turf supply chain who were motivated to further develop their leadership skills. The Growing Leaders Program was designed to develop leadership capability and capacity to transform the nursery and turf industries through vision, engagement, action, and leadership. It provided participants with positive exposure and networking opportunities with stakeholders from across the supply chain.
The program comprised:
- Two separate 2-day leadership forums which included the fundamentals of good leadership
- A workplace project that was approved by the participant’s manager
- One-on-one coaching with program leaders
- Weekly emails with helpful resources such as short reads or video content
- Webinar participation
- Networking and ‘buddy’ support
- Post-program participation in an industry event or program profiling.
Several case studies and articles are available to learn more:
- Learn more about 2018 participant Kristian Spink, a nursery manager from Queensland, in this case study and video interview.
- Andrew Creighton from Alpine Nurseries and Zoe Palmer from Anderson Horticulture both participated in the 2017 program.
- Networking, valuable for a successful career path, published on page 12 of the Hort Journal October 2018 edition, featured the Green Industry Growing Leaders program
For more information, you can visit the training program’s website or email The Right Mind.
Project Start
Project End
Other Funds
Nursery Fund, Turf Fund
Project Provider
The Right Mind