Vegetables Australia March/April 2013
22 March 2013Vegenotes Issue #35
9 May 2013Attachment
- David Fox: Q&A young grower profile
- From finance to farming: Pennie Patane
- Social media: connecting young growers: using Facebook (Stuart Jennings feature)
- Ask the industry with Scott Matthew: Compatibility of crop protection, tank mix
- Potato Extension Program booth at AUSVEG 2013 Convention
- Requesting industry feedback on Australian seed certification systems
- New local head for Bayer Cropscience Dr Jaqueline Applegate
- Annual Potato Levy Payers Meeting 2013
- (John) Deere in the spotlight
- Women in Horticulture cruise to 2013 Convention
- R&D: The National Potato Levy: Your investment explained
- Potato Industry Advisory Committee summary
- Slow release fertiliser trials
- The young faces of training and education in the Australian potato industry
- From the lab to the field: R&D hits the road
- International R&D update: growing spuds in the air (aeroponics)
- Southern ladybird to aid tomato-potato psyllid (TPP) control in New Zealand PA Feb/March