Final report: Improved Protein Bait Formulations for Fruit Fly Control
11 November 2003Integrated Viral Disease Management in Vegetable Crops
24 August 2012Project Code
Short Summary
This project assessed the effectiveness and impact of coordination on adoption of technology, with the information utilised to decide the value of the Vegetable Industry Technology Coordinator (VITC) and future development strategies and projects.
Year Published
Project Provider
SA Farmers Federation
This project assessed the effectiveness and impact of coordination on adoption of technology, with the information utilised to decide the value of the Vegetable Industry Technology Coordinator (VITC) and future development strategies and projects. The project designed and developed technology transfer solutions on issues relevant to SA growers and utilise regional change agents as a first step in fostering adoption of “world’s best practices” by South Australia’s vegetable growers.
Project report
Industry development and communication
Industry data and insights