Final report: Improved Protein Bait Formulations for Fruit Fly Control
11 November 2003Integrated Viral Disease Management in Vegetable Crops
24 August 2012Growers of horticultural crops suffer from a lack of legal access to crop protection products. The problem is that while their crops are valuable, individually they are too small for agrochemical companies to bear the high cost of registering products for use on them. For larger crops, it is also difficult when the pest or disease is only localised or infrequent. Growers are increasingly trapped in a situation where they face severe losses if they do nothing to protect their crops, or face penalties if they use a product that is not registered. This HAL-funded project aims to assist all horticulture industries (including vegetables) to protect their crops from diseases, insects or weeds, by providing access to pesticides that wouldn’t otherwise be legally available for use. This will be via minor-use permits and/or new registrations. The project will undertake the assessment of chemical suitability, resistance, compatibility with IPM systems, residues and export requirements in its evaluations.