Investigation into viruses affecting veg continues
14 July 2020Impact of Pesticides on Beneficial Arthropods of Importance in Australian Vegetable Production (VG16067)
21 July 2020Since May 2019, Yuri Wolfert and his family have hosted a cover crop demonstration site in Kindred, north-west Tasmania, supported by Soil First Tasmania, Landcare Tasmania and followed by the team from Soil Wealth ICP.
The trial aimed to demonstrate the effectiveness of using mixed species cover crops in cropping rotations and find out if they could improve growing conditions and the profitability of potato crops in particular, and potentially other vegetable crops.
To find out more about the trial and the key findings, take a look at this case study or read the Soil Wealth ICP column on page 64 of the latest edition of Vegetables Australia magazine.
Yuri also provided a short video update on the latest cover crop mix he has planted to prepare the soil for next season’s potato crop.
Soil Wealth ICP Phase 2 (VG16078) is a strategic levy investment under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund.