Case study: Managing potyvirus disease of zucchini in Australia
14 July 2020
Mixed species cover crops stand out in Tassie trial
14 July 2020In this article, Dr Cherie Gambley from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, provides an update on a multi-million-dollar research project that was established to address high-priority viral and bacterial diseases affecting vegetable crops.
The project started in early 2018 and has made good progress. Ongoing accurate diagnoses of what causes disease outbreaks in multiple districts provides valuable knowledge fundamental for development of disease management strategies.
There have been a range of activities undertaken around the country, including weed monitoring in Queensland, Victoria, and Western Australia.
Industry engagement has also continued nationally. Engagement is a mix of industry forums delivered in collaboration with the National Vegetable Extension Network (VegNET), AUSVEG, and on-farm discussions during disease surveys and field trial site visits.
Click here to read the full Area Wide Management project update, which is featured in the Vegetables Australia – Winter 2020 magazine.
Area Wide Management of Vegetable Diseases: viruses and bacteria (VG16086) is a strategic levy investment under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund.