Pest resilient landscapes in horticulture: A Lockyer Valley perspective
4 December 2024Predicting beet cyst nematode populations in brassicas
4 December 2024In vegetable production, accurate yield estimations are critical for growers to confirm labour and transport requirements, meet contractual obligations and maintain profitability. However, yield fluctuations are an ongoing issue which is currently measured through manual counting.
Throughout 2023, VegNET Queensland Wide Bay Burnett worked with Ambit Robotics to trial an imaging robot at a protected cropping eggplant facilty in Bundaberg to determine if direct imaging had the potential to improve yield estimates.
The trial adapted to challenges and successfully demonstrated that a robot can provide accurate counts and sizing of fruit. In addition, the Ambit team has responded to the navigation issues around the greenhouse by pivoting its focus on greenhouses that have pre-installed heating rails. These rails provide certainty of navigation, avoiding gaps in the final data stream.
The VegNET Queensland Wide Bay Burnett project will continue to work with AgTech companies and growers who are looking at technology solutions that will increase on-farm efficiencies to support their uptake into the future.