Harvest to Home COVID-19 trends – fresh produce annual wrap-up of 2020
25 March 2021Plant export Industry Advice Notice
29 March 2021Australia has a new legislative framework for agricultural exports. The new export legislation, which began on 28 March 2021, is made up of the Export Control Act 2020 and Export Control Rules 2021.
Together they streamline existing export requirements that were previously in 20 Acts and 40 pieces of legislation.
If you are involved in exporting plants and plant products, the Export Control (Plants and Plant Products) Rules 2021 set out the specific requirements you need to follow. More simply known as the plant rules, they replace the current Plant and Plant Product Orders.
The new legislation is easier to understand and use. It will continue to achieve the same regulatory outcomes that are expected by Australia’s trading partners.
The new legislation looks different, but it is not designed to add regulatory burden or change how industry do business in the short term. In the longer term it will support our plant industries to innovate and pursue opportunities for efficiency.
For export businesses, the changeover should be simple. All existing legislative approvals automatically transitioned when the new legislation began.
This includes accredited properties, registered establishments, authorised officer appointments, export permits, government certificates (such as phytosanitary certificates), product inspection records, treatment supervision records, container approvals and bulk vessel approvals.
There are some key changes you should be aware of as we transition to the new legislation. These include updates to policy, IT systems and forms.
You can find more information on these changes and what the new plant export legislation means for you at awe.gov.au/new-plant-export-legislation.