Potato cyst nematode: New requirement for permit applications, VIC
24 August 2021
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24 August 2021AUSVEG has welcomed the latest government announcement confirming the operational date of the Agriculture Visa, saying that the visa is a key piece to solving the horticulture industry’s labour puzzle for the future.
The announcement, co-signed by Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, Agriculture Minister David Littleproud, Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, confirms that regulations to enable the creation of the Australian Agriculture Visa will be in place by the end of September.
The government said the visa would be open to partner countries, which would be confirmed pending government negotiations.
AUSVEG understands that ASEAN countries remain high on the list of potential partners, which is greatly supported by industry.
Read more in this AUSVEG Advocacy Update.
For more details, please see the Government’s announcement here as well as AUSVEG’s media release response here.