AUSVEG Advocacy in Tasmania
21 December 2021Potatoes Australia – coming to your mailboxes shortly!
21 December 2021Last week, AUSVEG’s Shakira Johnson (Communication and Extension for iMapPESTS) and Maddy Quirk (AUSVEG Project Officer) travelled from Melbourne to Adelaide to undertake engagement activities for the iMapPESTS Project and the AUSVEG Peri-Urban Biosecurity Pilot Project.
Shakira and Maddy met with several industry professionals to discuss key biosecurity and pest & disease issues across the Adelaide Plains and Adelaide Hills, including preparing for Sentinel 7’s arrival in the Adelaide Hills and visiting a vegetable producer who had been impacted by the recently hailstorm.
While in Adelaide, the AUSVEG staff also visited Sentinel 2 at Thorndon Park Produce, which was deployed on the 17 November 2021. The unit features a six-metre suction trap, six-metre insect suction trap, an onboard weather station, and two spore suction traps.
“After many months of closed borders, it was exciting to be able to undertaken on-ground engagement interstate again and AUSVEG is looking forward to continuing our engagement activities in 2022,” Maddy said.
More information:
The iMapPESTS: Sentinel Surveillance for Agriculture (ST16010) program (2017-2023) is supported by Horticulture Innovation Australia, through funding from the Australia Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment as part of its Rural R&D for Profit Program and Grains Research & Development Corporation, Sugar Research Australia, Cotton Research & Development Corporation, Wine Australia, AgriFutures Australia, and Forest and Wood Products Australia.