Industry notice: Updates on Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus outbreaks
27 July 2021Fungicide technology extended to new crops
3 August 2021Last week, AUSVEG ran two well-attended face-to-face workshops in Ayr and Gumlu, Queensland.
These events were organised in collaboration with Melons Australia, Growcom, Queensland Department Agriculture and Fisheries, and New South Wales Department of Primary Industries.
A range of topics were discussed including new chemical developments for insect control, fall armyworm, food safety and traceability, tospoviruses and mosaic viruses, general biosecurity obligation and hitchhiker pests, varroa and bee diseases and serpentine and vegetable leafminer.
At the Ayr workshop, the team ran their first ‘hybrid’ workshop having people attend the event both in-person and online via Zoom.
If you missed out on attending these events live, keep an eye out for a recording of the Ayr workshop, which will be posted online in the coming weeks.
Interested in finding out what other events the AUSVEG Extension and Engagement Team are organising? Contact the team on 03 9882 0277 or at