Growers in the Lockyer Valley, Bowen region, and Wide Bay Burnett can now see daily updates on fall armyworm (FAW) activity in their region, thanks to a groundbreaking project exploring the use of RapidAIM traps to combat the invasive pest.

This project aims to provide growers with real-time data on FAW populations, empowering them to make informed decisions about pest management strategies. As the network of RapidAIM traps rolls out, data provided by the internet-connected traps is fed into the National Fall Armyworm Monitoring Information pages.

Gippsland, Northern Victoria, and New South Wales coming soon.

VegNET 3.0 is a vegetable and onion industry extension program nationally coordinated by AUSVEG and funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable and onion research and development levies and contributions from the Australian Government.