Daily updates on fall armyworm activity
19 November 2024Farm Biosecurity Action Plan: English, Vietnamese
25 November 2024Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) was detected in Australia in 2014 and it has been nationally agreed that it is not technically feasible to eradicate the virus under the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD).
As a trade sensitive pest there is a need for co-ordination of CGMMV management at the national level to contain CGMMV to known areas of infection and prevent its further spread to other growing regions. This CGMMV National Management Plan (the Management Plan) provides an overarching framework upon which jurisdictional operational plans should be developed. The Management Plan is underpinned by sound scientific risk assessment developed by an expert working group, and a Pest Risk Analysis by the Australian Government (Australian Government 2017).
The Management Plan describes symptoms, and processes for identifying and testing suspect plants, along with precautionary measures and disinfection procedures to prevent disease spread.
The Management Plan also outlines best practice approaches to on-farm biosecurity, surveillance and reporting procedures, including decision making support tools for growers. Importantly, the Management Plan articulates agreed roles and responsibilities of governments, industry, and other stakeholders to deal with the disease in Australia.
The Management Plan has been developed in consultation with the Australian Melon Association (AMA), AUSVEG Ltd, Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA), the Northern Territory Farmers Association (NTFA), the Australian, state and territory governments (the Parties). It is intended to provide guidance on the co-ordinated management of CGMMV in Australia, and confidence to interstate and international regulators and stakeholders that the Parties are acting actively and effectively to reduce the impact of CGMMV.
The current version of this plan was reviewed and finalised by the Parties in August 2023