Salinity in vegetable crops: New fact sheet and webinar recording provide tools to manage salinity
2 December 2019Consumption of juiced fruit and vegetables data analytics (MT16008)
9 December 2019Seed Potatoes Victoria and Sebright Adventures are hosting the second study tour to growing regions in New Zealand from 10-14 February 2020. This will provide an opportunity for Australian potato industry members to learn more about tomato-potato psyllid (TPP). This four-day tour will take participants to industry sites to investigate world-leading production methods and TPP management practices.
The tour will include some features from the original program in more detail, with additional new sites and the Southern Agricultural Field Days.
A shorter tour, running from 10-12 February, is an option for those who cannot attend the full trip.
Registrations close Tuesday 7 January 2020.
The tour program, pricing and registration process can be found here.