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26 November 2019
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2 December 2019Salinity issues are worse in dry years because of a lack of flushing rain and little fresh water replenishment in dams or underground aquifers. The problem can also occur when irrigation water is naturally saline, again without flushing from rainfall.
The current drought conditions in Australia mean salinity is a real issue now in many vegetable growing regions.
Factsheet: The Soil Wealth / ICP team have produced a factsheet on Managing salinity in vegetable crops which covers good salinity management practices on farm, salinity thresholds for vegetables, how salinity can be identified and measured, as well as appropriate EC ranges for soils and water. Click here to download the factsheet.
Webinar recording: There is also an accompanying webinar recording which is packed with expert advice on how to identify and measure salinity, appropriate ranges for soils and water, and the handy growers’ guide to salinity thresholds across all major crops. Click here to listen to the webinar recording.
For more information contact Gordon Rogers (AHR) 0418 51 7777 gordon@ahr.com.au or Carl Larsen (RMCG) 0419 622 393 or carll@rmcg.com.au.