Final report: Improved Protein Bait Formulations for Fruit Fly Control
11 November 2003Integrated Viral Disease Management in Vegetable Crops
24 August 2012Project Code
Short Summary
This 20-page manual has been designed to assist farm staff in helping the farm manager protect the property from the introduction and establishment of exotic (new) pests. The measures in this manual will also aid in reducing the spread of endemic (those already established in the region) pests. The information in this manual is designed to act as a guide for biosecurity best practice.
Year Published
Project Provider
Plant Health Australia
Farm biosecurity is a set of management practices and activities that are carried out on-farm to protect properties from the entry, establishment and spread of pests. The term ‘pests’ covers all insects, mites, snails, nematodes, pathogens (diseases) and weeds that may harm plants or plant products. Farm biosecurity is the responsibility of every person working on or visiting the farm. The practices outlined in this 20-page manual will help protect properties and minimise the impact of exotic (new) and endemic (already established) pests of the Bundaberg region. Key risks to biosecurity are listed along with practices that can be used to minimise these risks.
User guide
Pests diseases and biosecurity
International trade and markets
On-farm and crop management