20 July 2012
Integrated Pest Management In The Green Bean Industry
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Beans and Legumes
20 July 2012
Integrated Pest Management ‘Research To Practice’ For Brassicas
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Broccoli, Brassicas and more
20 July 2012
Integrated pest management strategies for control of key pests in Asian baby leaf vegetables – Tat soy and Pak soy
Fact sheet
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Endive/radicchio/chicory, Leafy vegetables and more
20 July 2012
Integrated Strategies To Control And Prevent The Spread Of Clubroot
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
20 July 2012
Integrated weed management in vegetable brassicas
Project report
On-farm and crop management
20 July 2012
Integrated Weed Management In Vegetable Production
Project report
On-farm and crop management
20 July 2012
Integrated Weed Management, Cover Crop, Mulch And Rotation Management In Vegetable Production Systems
Project report
On-farm and crop management and Productivity
20 July 2012
Integrating Lettuce Aphid Into Integrated Pest Management Strategies
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Leafy vegetables and Lettuce
20 July 2012
Intensive Vegetable Production And Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas
Project report
On-farm and crop management and Chemicals & pesticides
20 July 2012
Interactions Between Time Of Planting, Inoculum Levels And Fungicides On Onion White Rot
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Onions, Alliums and more
White rot caused by the fungus Sclerotium cepivorum Berk., is a serious disease of onions and garlic in the Lockyer Valley in southern Queensland. Options for controlling the disease are limited. Experiments and trials were conducted to determine the effect of planting time on disease appearance, the relative effectiveness of applying fungicides before infection and after infection, the influence of different irrigation strategies on disease severity and the interaction between the numbers of sclerotes in the soil and yield losses, with the aim of predicting potential yield losses in a particular field before planting.